Watch full episodes Monmusu Quest! English Subbed, download Monmusu Quest! English Subbed english subbed, Monmusu Quest! English Subbed eng sub, download Monmusu Quest! English Subbed eng sub, stream Monmusu Quest! English Subbed at H-anime.
Status: CompletedStudio:SELFISHReleased: 2017Duration: 15 min per epType: ONAEpisodes: 2Censor: CensoredPosted by:GokuReleased on:Updated on:
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Synopsis Monmusu Quest! English Subbed
Story is about young hero Luka that is being attacked by bunch of succubus,queen of spider and other monster which are being controled by one final boss.They are trying to take his life through semen but his bravery doesn’t stop and he keeps destroying them!