A film adaptation of the manga series by Clone Ningen, titled ” Haritsuke” The story will tell about the seduction of one girl, as usual, not without resorting to blackmail….
The main character of hentai – a girl named Ellis Violet. She one of the most strong girls warriors, the storm demons and monsters. This is the story of her…
Running short of money, office lady Saki Watase is introduced to a part-time job where she’s tasked with reviewing XL-size condoms. While receiving an escort home after a night of…
Endo Aina is a cheerful and energetic girl, but she was also a problem child who like to teasing Tanaka, a teacher in charge. Tanaka, who has no female experience…
Ryuji Oki (Oki Ryuji) had a person who I thought once. She married Ryuji’s older brother and gave birth to a child soon. The unrequited love distorted with time, stagnating…